Dates for 2024 to 2025 (Gorse Hill, Woking):
Days 1 and 2 (residential): Wednesday, 26th and Thursday, 27th June 2024
Day 3: Tuesday, 24th September 2024
(Day 4-5: Late-autumn-term 2024 - work shadowing a member of SLT at an S7 College)
Days 6 and 7 (residential 1.5 days): Thursday, 23rd and Friday, 24th January 2025
This programme is aimed at experienced Directors of Faculty and Senior Tutor Team Leaders who are ready to apply for the post of Assistant Principal (Curriculum or Pastoral)
Days 1 and 2
Rather than focusing on the traditional leadership styles, delegates wanting to go into senior management will have the opportunity to explore the ability to understand and interpret the culture of an organisation. The course will start with a look at how organisations function then to an understanding of the College as an organisation. Delegates will do an analysis of their own College, working out how it functions according to various parameters given. Time will be spent around the twelve key organisational and environmental dimensions of the Burke Litwin change model, as well as vision for the future of the college, and the understanding and management of the finances of the college.
A good balance of activities is planned. On Day 2 a task will be set with a particular scenario and delegates will undertake some individual work and group work. Two S7 Principals will work with you on Adaptive Change and the role of an Assistant Principal.
Day 3
The third day will begin with a discussion on the impact of the first two days on delegates' approach to leadership and management. This will be followed by a number of nuts and bolts topics such as risk assessment, managing your staff, organisational climate and teamwork. There will be a session at the end of the day on the preparation for your work shadowing of a senior manager in a college other than your own.
Days 4-5
Delegates will have the opportunity to undertake a day of work shadowing at a College other than their own, which will be tightly linked to previous learning.
Days 6 and 7
The focus of Day 6 will be on branding a College and Governance, and Day 7 will be all about you and your application for a senior management role, with a mock interview included.
S7 Leadership Venue Information
If you are interested in attending the next Senior Leadership Programme please discuss with your Staff Development Manager in your college.